The year is 2950 something. Population control is strictly enforced based on means and most children are born into wealthy families. As such, much of the world’s poorer population starts to die off. Automation has made labor a thing of the past and the poor are nothing but a drain on resources. With this new […]Continue Reading
The year is 6090 something. The last human passed on earth sometime in the 3050s. Since that time the planet has been discovered and inhabited by transient aliens from a small planet on the outermost limits of our solar system. But one of these aliens, Snarg Snifferbottom, has been experimenting with time travel and is […]Continue Reading
The year is 2430 something and Theodore Perkensnider is playing God. Using a combination of a microcloning technology and micro artificial intelligence Theodore has created a universe. And within that universe he created a planet. And on that planet he created a small family and an army of animals and species. This small world lives […]Continue Reading