Thinking of creative science fiction terms can be difficult. But the right words can add a level of color to your writing that’s just not possible if you don’t get a little creative with it. Here’s a list of 100 science fiction terms you’ve maybe never heard of. Or maybe you have, but just need […]Continue Reading
8 New Science Fiction Story Ideas
Below are 8 new science fiction ideas I came up with in about twenty minutes. Why 8 you ask? Because I only had 20 minutes. I actually think I like a couple of these, but would love to hear what you think. Feel free to drop me your comments in the comment section below. Also, […]Continue Reading
8 Science Fiction Writing Ideas
An astronaut lands on a planet that appears to be populated by a diverse alien race. But he soon learns they they are all extensions of an advanced singularity. An alien is captured by the U.S. government but later discovered to be a time traveler from an advanced and evolved species of human. An alien […]Continue Reading
The Virtual Reality Company
The year is 2090 something and Perry Pinesnickle is debating a drastic change to his life. The Simple Life Virtual Reality Company offers individuals like Perry the opportunity to live out the rest of their lives within a virtual reality pod where they consume less resources, yet live a perfectly satisfied VR existence. All it […]Continue Reading
The Time Traveling Box
The year is 2020 something and Tommy Appletot is working hard to save the future. Every morning at 6:30 a.m. a small box sent from the future appears on Tommy’s doorstep. Inside the box is a set of directions Tommy has to follow for that day. The year is 2350 something and James Brickenpicker is […]Continue Reading
Kip Snipsnider and the Space Race
The year is 4090 something and the world has gotten a lot bigger. Earth has long been lost to an alien race from the Magnorium Quadrant. Humans have since scattered to various corners of our own galaxy. Kip Snipsnider is a tenth generation intergalactic ship builder who’s family designed and built some of the first […]Continue Reading
Retro Sci fi – Who was Hugo Gernsback?
Inventor Extraordinaire: Gernsback’s innovative mind extended beyond literature. He patented numerous devices, including an electrical hearing aid, a device to transmit images over wires (similar to modern television), and various radio-related inventions. His passion for technology was evident in his writing. In his magazine, Gernsback not only showcased science fiction stories but also published articles […]Continue Reading
Shrinking Matter
In the year 4095 we finally overpopulated the earth. Resources needed to sustain life are at dangerously low levels and population and life expectancy are thrown into a downward spiral. After multiple failed attempts to populate other planets, the global federation hires a young scientist who has invented a machine that can shrink matter in […]Continue Reading
People Deleting Device
This particular sci fi idea was inspired by a situation I went through today. I was thinking about how great it would be if I had a device that could create a new version of my life minus one other really annoying person. Basically it would be nice to be able to immediately delete this […]Continue Reading
Aliens as Time Travelers
Around the 6th grade a friend of mine suggested that most aliens are not actually from outer space. They’re from the future. Which kind of makes sense. There are tons of UFO sightings in the sky. We don’t have any satellite images of them flying around in space. Time travel is almost always depicted on […]Continue Reading