Below are 8 new science fiction ideas I came up with in about twenty minutes. Why 8 you ask? Because I only had 20 minutes. I actually think I like a couple of these, but would love to hear what you think. Feel free to drop me your comments in the comment section below. Also, […]Continue Reading
An astronaut lands on a planet that appears to be populated by a diverse alien race. But he soon learns they they are all extensions of an advanced singularity. An alien is captured by the U.S. government but later discovered to be a time traveler from an advanced and evolved species of human. An alien […]Continue Reading
The year is 2090 something and Perry Pinesnickle is debating a drastic change to his life. The Simple Life Virtual Reality Company offers individuals like Perry the opportunity to live out the rest of their lives within a virtual reality pod where they consume less resources, yet live a perfectly satisfied VR existence. All it […]Continue Reading
The year is 4090 something and the world has gotten a lot bigger. Earth has long been lost to an alien race from the Magnorium Quadrant. Humans have since scattered to various corners of our own galaxy. Kip Snipsnider is a tenth generation intergalactic ship builder who’s family designed and built some of the first […]Continue Reading
Inventor Extraordinaire: Gernsback’s innovative mind extended beyond literature. He patented numerous devices, including an electrical hearing aid, a device to transmit images over wires (similar to modern television), and various radio-related inventions. His passion for technology was evident in his writing. In his magazine, Gernsback not only showcased science fiction stories but also published articles […]Continue Reading