The year is 2090 something and Perry Pinesnickle is debating a drastic change to his life. The Simple Life Virtual Reality Company offers individuals like Perry the opportunity to live out the rest of their lives within a virtual reality pod where they consume less resources, yet live a perfectly satisfied VR existence. All it […]Continue Reading
The year is 2120 something and it’s been twenty-five years since an Alien virus hit Earth. The majority were genetically immune. However the virus managed to kill 33% of the Earth’s population. But a small group of fifty-five individuals survived despite being infected. Rather than grow sick those 55 grew stronger, wiser, and virtually indestructible, creating […]Continue Reading
The year is 4090 something and the world has gotten a lot bigger. Earth has long been lost to an alien race from the Magnorium Quadrant. Humans have since scattered to various corners of our own galaxy. Kip Snipsnider is a tenth generation intergalactic ship builder who’s family designed and built some of the first […]Continue Reading