Everyone gets into a writing lull here and there. Sometimes the best thing you can do is step away and absorb some creativity from other sources. The links below are to visual, audio, and film resources that I use to stimulate my mind and put myself into a zone for writing. I read every day. And reading is by far my best resource for motivating and inspiring me to write. But I find my muses in other places. Here are a few of them.

Film as inspiration for Sci-Fi writing

Dust (Youtube)
Dust completely changed the way I think about not only sci-fi story ideas but small films in general. So many great short stories rooted in big ideas.

Omeleto Sci-Fi (Youtube)
Omeleto, in general, is storytelling through film at its best. But these sci-fi examples are just as good as the ones on Dust.

Visual Art as inspiration for Sci-fi writing

Sci-fi Art (Instagram)

Music as inspiration for Sci-Fi writing

Perhaps my greatest muse is music. If I’m stuck, I listen to music. I watch music videos. If it requires it, I close my eyes and just space out to the words and sounds. Obviously music is a matter of personal taste. Here’s a few of my go-to’s when I’m stuck or just want to write at my best.

Silicone Boone
Silicone Boone is a very new band. But their album has been a huge influence on my current writing project because I’ve written most of it while wearing this album out.

Pink Floyd – Take it Back
While Silicone Boone is my latest muse, this song is my oldest. It has snapped me out of a creative funk many many times.

Blue October – Fear
Blue October is more motivational for me than inspirational, in terms of my writing. It’s still insanely inspirational in many other ways. But I can’t listen to this and not be motivated.

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